Jonathan M. Rhodes

Jonathan M. Rhodes

LinkedIn @

Co-Founder, Developer of Business and Brand @

Regulatory Strategist and Co-Founder @

Jonathan M. Rhodes has built his career over two decades as an entrepreneur, attorney, innovator and community leader. As Founder & Principal of The Rhodes Law Firm, Jonathan has over a decade of experience representing startup and established companies in areas including Corporate Governance; Business Strategy; Venture Capital Financing; SEC Registration & Compliance; Blockchain development, Cryptocurrencies, Crypto Mining, and 5G networking. As a seasoned utility regulatory attorney, Jonathan has represented both public and private entities in areas including franchise agreements, power purchase agreements, interconnection agreements and renewable energy projects.

In 2020, Jonathan co-founded VERGE Internet and COMN Coin as projects to help bridge the digital divide and build an equitable Internet of Things. At COMN, Jonathan advises on the legal and regulatory strategy for blockchain and cryptocurrency development. At VERGE, Jonathan designs business cases for bringing highspeed connectivity to all. 

Jonathan’s work has been recognized by the Louisiana State Bar Association with an “Innovation Award” and nationally by the Pro Bono Institute for his community partnership with Entergy Corporation’s legal department. Jonathan was appointed by the Mayor of New Orleans to serve on the City’s Economic Development Advisory Committee and has served as a pro bono consultant for various social justice and entrepreneur organizations. 


He lives in New Orleans with his wife and three children, and enjoys travel, building things and surfing whenever possible.  

Contact: [email protected]

Jon’s Links:




National Pro Bono Award – Legal Assistance for Vulnerable Residents

Law School Alumnus of the Year

Culture Award & Proclamation from New Orleans City Council

Jonathan Rhodes Named “40 under 40”


Louisiana Culture Award


Supporting Youth Musicians

Supporting Oral Histories

Investing in Community Arts

Investing in Creative Placemaking

Investing in the St. Claude Arts District

Louisiana Travel


Economic Development – Federal Legislation for the Gulf Coast

Community Revitalization


Public Safety Legislation

Community Engagement for Public Safety


Legal Services – Profile

Legal Services – Law Firm

Legal Services – Disaster Recovery

Legal Services – Puerto Rico after the Storm

Utility Regulation – Rates

Utility Regulation – In the News

Legal Services – Social Justice


Using Data to be a Smart City


Power Grid

Clean Energy

Solar Development

Solar + Storage


Telecom Networking – 5G

Telecom Networking – Community Engagement